Monday, April 4, 2016

It isn't official until it's official

After my angiogram, I had the films sent to Arizona and waited for them to review it... I called to tell them I didn't need them to review it because I was already told that they saw no AVM. The people in the Arizona office told me that the doctor here might have not seen any AVM, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any residual vessels that need to be watched or taken care of, etc. So, naturally, my elation was short-lived and I went back to feeling uneasy until I heard the final word from Arizona. Days and days past and I hadn't heard from them. Finally, today (2 and a half weeks later) I got the call I've been waiting for... "There is no AVM and no residual vessels affected. No need for any follow ups in the future with neurologists or surgeons or any radiation or screenings. You're cured!" 
And now to celebrate, I will sleep soundly tonight! 

Great day! :-)
