Friday, April 25, 2014

And a very happy 1 year gammaversary it is!!

Tomorrow makes 1 year since gamma knife. CRAZY!!! How has it been a year, I feel like I was just in Arizona last month... My tan hasn't even faded!! (okay it has-- that was for dramatic effect)
So I went for my one year MRI check up yesterday. The doctor in Arizona had told me that the 1 year MRI was to make sure there's no swelling or lesions or bad things... But they don't expect to see any shrinkage until year two. Meanwhile, I just got the report from the neurologist.... Guess who's AVM is so ahead of its time that it SHRUNK!!!! (Btw the answer is me, in case that wasn't clear.)
Yayayayay my AVM shrunk!!! That means that the gamma knife is doing exactly what it was supposed to do and that I'm responding well to the treatment! No swelling, no lesions, no bad things, only shrinkage! Great day! It's not totally gone yet tho, I have to wait to hear back on the exact measurements of what's left; but who cares?? IT SHRUNK!!! So hopefully my brain continues to rock this and by my 2 year gammaversary I'll have even better news to share!!!

YAY Team!!!