Monday, February 23, 2015

Everything is AWESOME!!!


I cannot believe its been 3 years already, still feels like a few months ago. 

People have asked me why I celebrate the brainaversary today when it wasn't even the final surgery, and it was the day of the complication... 

I celebrate my brainaversary because February 23rd, 2012 was the day that I learned what being strong means,  today is the anniversary of the day that I put all of my faith in G-d and fearlessly walked in to what should have been a terrifying surgery, the anniversary of the day I met the most amazing nurses at Roosevelt Hospital, the anniversary of the most seemingly unfair day that ended up changing my life, it's the anniversary of the day I survived... I celebrate to celebrate life. 

There are thousands upon thousands of reasons not to smile every second of the day. But as long as you are reading this, you woke up this morning and that is a beautiful reason to smile.

Find the beauty in the mundane. Whether it be brains, or some other weird organ... chose something that changed you, chose something that inspires you, chose something that intrigues you, smile about it, laugh about it.... celebrate it!