Monday, April 23, 2012

"The worst disability is a bad attitude." — Michael Muir

So, today is my two month brainaversary! 
I have improved so much in the last 2 months. Right after surgery I couldn't stand on my own, and now, two months later, I have graduated my walker and am bound to my cane for long distances and uneven surfaces. I am in out patient physical therapy at a center one hour a day twice a week and every day I improve tremendously. I can now walk around my apartment or around one floor of my house upstate without the cane or anything! I still have a hard time with stairs but they get easier with time. I also have a hard time balancing if the lights are off, and at the end of the day, or when I am tired. But I am working on all of these things... On a FANTASTIC note, I RODE MY BIKE ALL BY MYSELF AGAIN!!!!!! (slowly, and only around the col-de-sac in front of my house.... but it is still a HUGE step!)
At some point in May, I will be going for an MRI to decide on the next step, and I will update accordingly. 
On a different note, I have decided that when I am all better, I will run the NYC half marathon. I spoke with many of my friends and family about this as well as my physical therapists and they have all been very supportive. I started using the treadmill at 1.5 speed for 30 minutes as a start to my training, I have since moved up to 1.8 speed for 45 minutes. I was working and will continue to work with my physical therapist to build up all the muscles I need to be able to run this marathon. I hope to also run a 5K before December as a practice or prep for my half marathon which will *hopefully* be in March.... so keep your schedules free!! :-)