Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Braink You for Another Healthy Year!!

Here it is again, February 23rd. 

For the past 4 years, February 23rd has been a kind of celebratory day for me, a day I marked with braineoke parties, brainaversary meals and brain themed goodies. My rationale was that I was celebrating life, celebrating survival and resilience... Celebrating weird stuff. 

This year the date has a different connotation to me. I have an appointment with my neurologist today, potentially one of the lasts, where I will get a script for an MRI, potentially my last, which will tell me if the AVM is gone or needs more treatment... This year, February 23rd, again a pivotal date, but this time it's the beginning of the end of a long road. So there will be updates in the weeks to come, hopefully great ones, and there will be stress and crazy nerves... But this year the celebration will not be on February 23rd, it will be in April, hopefully the end of my long road to recovery. 

Thank you to everyone for your emotional support and putting up with me the last few months, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! 

Happy February 23rd!